Art for Spring Break!

 Art for Spring Break!!



SPRING BREAK!!!!!  What to do with bored children at home? There is always art that can be created. Put a layer of newspaper on the table. Use the Easter theme, baby animals, and spring colors to get started.  Let’s try a crayon engraving of overlapping eggs. You will need an index card or cardstock paper about 3”X5” size, scissors, small wooden skewer or a dull pencil, an 81/2”-11” sheet of  paper or card stock or 9×12 construction paper, an assortment of colored crayons/construction paper crayons/oil pastels.

1. Cut an oval shaped template out of card stock- about 3”-4” tall and about the same at the widest part.

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2. Place the oval on the bottom right hand side of the paper/card stock.  Trace around it with a crayon. Move the oval over to the left overlapping the traced oval. Trace around the oval. Continue moving and tracing to make four overlapping eggs.

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3. Move the oval up to make a row of three overlapping eggs, then two, and finish with one egg on top.

The next steps are about coloring the eggs with three layers of crayon colors. Choose three colors of varying lightness and darkness, such as  yellow, orange, and red.  4. Color all of the eggs with a light color. 5. Color the eggs again with a medium color.  6. Color the eggs a third time with dark colors. I colored three eggs yellow in my example. Next I colored two of those eggs orange . My third step was to color one orange egg red to help you see the various steps.  The red egg  has three layers of coloring/crayoning.

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7. Engrave lines and line patterns with the wooden skewer/dull pencil.  The background can be colored to finish.

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For more art lessons you can find me teaching art at Creative Alternative or visit my website,!

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